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Wednesday, January 6, 2010

pinhole camera research

Part 1: write a 1 page summary of the Jo Babcock article.

address the following points:
*who is Jo Babcock
*what type of camera does he use
*what is interesting about his work
*what can you learn from his work

Part 2: online

*search for "pinhole photography"
*find and print an image taken with a pinhole camera that is interesting to you
*write a paragraph telling me why you chose the image and what you like about it

extra credit!
post a link or comment here about what you found out about Pinhole Photography

1 comment:

  1. I learned that pinhole photography is in many ways more diverse that using an automatic digital camera. Pinhole cameras can be made by recycling everyday household items and create a unique perspective through the eye of the photographer.
    Youlee Kim
